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Yarmouth Life Skills | Community Impact Program Website Launch

We're excited to announce the launch of an all-new website for Yarmouth Life Skills! Yarmouth Life Skills were the lucky winner of the recent iteration of our Community Impact Program. Through our Community Impact Program, Yarmouth Life Skills received the design and development of a new website at no cost, along with website hosting and support services for a period of one year.

In addition to having a more modern and streamlined design, Yarmouth Life Skill's new website includes a number of features that allow users to stay up-to-date with everything happening with the organization. The website features both News and Events sections, as well as an area to make online donations or access volunteer applications.

Click here to head over to Yarmouth Life Skills' new website to learn more about everything that they have to offer, or to get involved with their fundraising or volunteer initiatives.


Do you want to change how you do business with a new website or e-commerce platform? Book a free consultation below:

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