The voting period for the first round of our Community Impact Program has come to a close. We've seen a very strong response from participants, with over 400 votes being made in just over a week's time! It's clear that there's a strong need and support for our Nova Scotian non-profits when it comes to websites and digital challenges. In acknowledgement of such a large number of votes, we're going to double-up the prize for the first iteration of our program, creating free websites for both Peer Outreach Support Services and Yarmouth Splash Park!

While we're excited about the change we'll be able to facilitate with the development of these two websites, we know there's still a lot of work to be done. We'll be bringing the Community Impact Program back on a quarterly basis so we can continue to provide support to these organizations that need it most. Applications for the next round will open on Monday, January 3rd, 2022. More information on the next cohort and application process will be posted on our social media channels as it becomes available.
We'll be working with Peer Outreach Support Services and Yarmouth Splash Park to begin the development of their websites over the coming weeks. Stay tuned!