The application period for the next round of our Community Impact Program is open! Now through January 31, 2022, non-profits throughout Nova Scotia can apply to potentially receive a new, professional website developed by our team with covered hosting, domain and email fees for a period of one year. After the voting period ends, we'll be launching a public poll to decide the winner for this round of the program.
We launched our Community Impact Program in August of 2021 with the goal of providing support to organizations whose work focuses on creating lasting impacts in their communities. Five non-profits from throughout the province submitted their applications for the initial round of the program, with over 400 votes in total being received in just over a week's time. It was clear that these organizations needed support, so we doubled down and provided new websites for both Peer Outreach Support Services and The Yarmouth Splash Park.

Follow our social channels to stay up to date on everything related to Boostflow and the Community Impact Program!