Paul d'Entremont Marine | Website Reveal

Updated: May 26, 2023

Today we're rolling out a brand new website for Paul d'Entremont Marine Ltd. in Pubnico, NS!

While Paul d'Entremont Marine Ltd. had a pre-existing website, it was showing its age in its functionality and design. Many areas of the business were also not highlighted as effectively as they could be, with some not being featured on the website at all.

In addition to being a Petro Canada fuel station and the wide range of Yamaha and Suzuki marine and powersports offerings, Paul d'Entremont Marine offers a vast selection of hunting equipment and accessories, as well as a full range of Under Armor clothing and apparel.

The new website is live now and can be viewed at Check it out and browse their huge selection of offerings!

Do you want to change how you do business with a new website or e-commerce platform? Book a free consultation below: